Weight Loss

Weight Loss services offered in Natomas, Sacramento, CA

Medically supervised weight loss provides a safe and effective way to reach your weight loss goals. At Rahma Health in Sacramento, California, primary care and family medicine physicians use various methods, including healthy lifestyle changes, exercise education, and prescription medicine, to help adults shed pounds and keep them off. Call the office today to request a weight loss consultation or book your appointment online.


What is medically supervised weight loss?

Medically supervised weight loss uses professional guidance to help you achieve a healthy body weight.

The older you get, the more likely you are to gain excess weight. These additional pounds increase your risk of potentially severe health problems, like heart disease and diabetes. Partnering with the Rahma Health team can help you lose weight and live a healthier life.

Who benefits from medically supervised weight loss?

Consider medically supervised weight loss at Rahma Health if you’ve been diagnosed with any of the following health problems:

  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • High cholesterol
  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Back pain
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Mental health disorders like anxiety and depression

If you have asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or another respiratory problem, losing weight can make breathing easier.

What does medically supervised weight loss involve?

At Rahma Health, medically supervised weight loss focuses on three areas:

Improved nutrition

To lose weight and keep it off, you need to eat a balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. There’s nothing wrong with having a treat every once in a while, but long-term change requires a commitment to improved nutrition.

The team develops a diet plan that includes recommendations for meals and snacks.

Regular exercise

Exercise strengthens your muscles and bones and keeps your heart healthy. It’s also a crucial component of weight management.

The Rahma Health team recommends activities that align with your current level of physical fitness. That can include walking, swimming, or biking, depending on your needs.

Prescription medicine

Eating mindfully and exercising regularly helps you lose weight, but they don’t necessarily guarantee results. If you have an underlying health problem, like a hormonal imbalance or thyroid disease, you’ll need some extra help.

Various medicines can complement your weight loss efforts. Some speed up your metabolism, helping you burn more calories, while others suppress your appetite.

How long does medically supervised weight loss take?

Losing weight takes time and a commitment to the treatment process. Some people lose 5-10 pounds* during the first month of treatment, but it takes longer for others. Be patient, follow your provider’s instructions, and attend each checkup.

Call Rahma Health today to see if you can benefit from medically supervised weight loss, or book your appointment online.

Rahma Health

✆ Phone (appointments): 916-546-5320

Address: 1996 Del Paso Road, Suite 176, Sacramento, CA 95834

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